Hello World.

Andy here. I’m the Creative Director of Sabbath Design Studio - and I’m happy you’re here. 

Over the past 7 years I’ve been on a journey of understanding Faith and Creativity. Recently I’ve come to a conclusion about both - they are one and the same. This is true because God is a creative God who seeks to make himself known to creation. It’s also true because there is something deeply spiritual about creativity that seems to speak to the essence of our being. I find myself caught up in the middle of both these truths, which leads me to this conclusion: when I encounter God it brings out a deep creativity from my soul - and chances are you’ve experienced this also.  

I’ve known for a long time that I’m nothing like Pablo Picasso or like Virgil Abloh or like *insert your favorite artist*. As much as I wish I was, I’m far from similar to any of them. Instead, what I’ve learned about myself is this: I love Jesus and he loves me. The art that I’ve made that I’m most proud of has come out of the deep yet simple reality that I am loved by Jesus and I love him too. It’s when I’m caught up in this loving mystery - when I’m encountering the very essence of creativity that is his spirit - that I find what I’m called to create. 

Sabbath Design Studio is an art house that creates out of our encounter with Jesus. 

We love making art that is authentic, effective, and beautiful.

At Sabbath Design Studio it’s our passion to build the church. We only want to lead people to the feet of Jesus. We believe its with Jesus that we find rest for our souls - that we find the deepest desires of our hearts. 

We’re made up of talented creatives who love the church. We want to edify our family and continuously create spaces for them to love and be loved by Jesus. 

Let’s create together out of the overflow of loving and being loved by Jesus.

Andy Palomares x SDS Creative Director

the loving mystery

It’s when I’m caught up in this loving mystery - when I’m encountering the very essence of creativity that is his spirit - that I find what I’m called to create. 

